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The Arsonator

A member registered Jan 27, 2023

Recent community posts

(2 edits)

awesome game, only took me my second try to beat him with only one damage taken v.s losing my first to "fuck it we ball" lmao


please add more, I've beat the game like 6 times now

Odi came in Odi-S.T(pun) style

10 minutes, 49 seconds, and 582 clicks is my best time

(1 edit)

cool math games was blocked for like my whole district(Picture was made by Colorbomb for a post I made on another game, cool picture) 

My only dislike about the game, and I mean only, is the math puzzle, congrats

I would too help in what I can, and would also like a dino themed game. But;

  • I don't think he'd accept help
  • Might be taking a break from game-making
  • We might not be qualified(I am starting to game-design)
  • And I don't think he'd want to go dinosaur themed for his next game

I've done literally all of them, I don't know what you're talking about

(1 edit)

IMO, the best strategy is as MANY things as possible, like as many things as you can(I'm talking about rats, spells, the summoner, things that make things are the best for any strategy)

(I also almost beat the king without taking DMG like 3 times, also beat the king a lot)

The games good(bragging that mine works), and the things on the side are annoying too

46 minutes and 35 seconds

(Use cannons and arrows only)

Why thank you mister for this kind gift

Huh, then what does the key do?


you just need one thing to leave

(more spoiler)

(read backwards)

Hcuoc eht ni yek eht.

So nothing else matters except that one thing?

one thing I found was that when payday happens, it says "You worked *had*"

New people, if you get stuck, remember you can mix more than 2 potions at a time.

no durr


I feel, as a person whom just skimmed the "essay", that I think you may have a small opinion about some things, just a small one.

nah, its skyrim vs Mr. Crabs Tax-Evasions

57 my high score

depends on what type you are talking about(and im tslking about), if their is a 'see more' button, after you click it something should say along the lines of "play anyway"